Thursday, November 11, 2010

I'm back, I think

I know it has been almost forever since I have blogged.  It is not as if nothing has been going on but, I have just not had time to blog.  We had a really nice time in Oklahoma.  Stayed for almost 5 weeks.  It was really great seeing everyone.  I got a pattern for some fingerless mitts and made three pairs while on vacation.  I gave one pair to my niece Arran.  Since we have been back the kids have started school.  Devin is in 6th grade, Desirae is in 4th grade, and now Deanna is in Kindergarten.  So I have about 4 hours a day without children.  Woo hoo.

We got rid of Cali (our cat) about a week or so ago.  It has really lowered the stress level in the house.  And I am actually looking forward to decorating for Christmas this year.  Last year the cat systematically took down the decorations and took all the ornaments off the tree.  I ended up having to take the tree down two weeks before Christmas to save it from being totally destroyed.

I also got into a little kick where I was making little critters.  So I crocheted a little dragon.  I made one for each child.  And I knitted some little bed bugs.  I made three or four of those.  I still need to make one for me.

And the last thing I will mention today is that I cut my hair again.  Twice.  The picture is after the first time.  I then went back and had more cut off.  If anyone ever takes a picture of me with the really short hair I will post it.  So I hope I will keep up on this and not take so long between postes.

1 comment:

  1. Welcome back! I keep thinking about starting my blog again, but that is as far as I get. I love the gloves, bugs and stuff. U are talented. Looking forward to more information and pictures.
