Thursday, May 6, 2010


In case you can't tell from the title that is what I feel I am accomplishing. But in reality I have got a couple of things done. Duane and I rented a rototiller and tilled the garden last weekend. I have since then been working on getting things planned out and planted. So far I have gotten okra, corn, carrots, and squash (both zucchini and yellow) planted. I really do want to plant watermelon but I did not have much luck last year and cant seem to find space for it. I will have to think about that. The photo is after tilling and before planting.
So, this is the picture of how it looks about half an hour ago. I am thinking of planting beans in the far corner so I put up a little Tee Pee. I don't know. And I still haven't decided on placement for other things.
I am also having camera trouble so I am now using the camera I had before that Deanna "lost" for me. I don't know what happened to the other one. It is rattling but I did not drop it. It just won't turn off sometimes.
The Girl Scouts is having a trip to the LA Zoo on Saturday so I made each of the girls a cool tie. I purchased some at the Poppy Festival and they worked really well. Also the pattern looked pretty simple so I just made some off the ones I got there. We are hoping it will be a nice day. And now, back to making dinner. Hunkybunk. Which is cabbage, noodles and polish sausage all mixed together. Yum.


1 comment:

  1. Garden is looking good and I know that Hunkybunk is one of the kids favs - yum from here too! Getting the garden ready is a LOT - so much for the nothing . . .
